Get to know your guides.
Montana Big Game Outfitters employs the hardest working, most dedicated guides in the Montana. This isn’t a job, it’s a lifestyle. All of our guides are hunters themselves. We believe it’s that passion for the hunt that leads to success.
Anthony VonRuden - Owner/Outfitter
Anthony brings a wealth of knowledge and experience. He has successfully guided over one hundred big game hunts for six species of big game across Montana. Anthony is always finding new ways to learn and challenge himself to be a better guide and outdoorsman. In addition to big game he guides fly fishing and upland bird hunting. This enables him to spend over two hundred and fifty days a year in the field. He believes that the experience is what matters most and truly wants all of his clients to have a happy and successful hunt. You will find him guiding fly fishing in Missoula, or based out of our wall tent camp in the Badlands of Eastern Montana.
Stan Spoharski - Senior Guide
Stan is the senior guide for Montana Big Game Outfitters. He has been a part of the business since day one. Stan is a die-hard elk hunter and spends the majority of the season based out of our elk camp in White Sulphur Springs. Stan is originally from Pennsylvania and grew up hunting and fishing from a young age. He took that passion for the outdoors with him when he moved to Montana to attend college. He has a degree in Wildlife Biology and a keen sense for animals and their habits. Last year he spent over two hundred days guiding in two different countries. Stan always has a great attitude and no one will work harder to make sure that you go home with a trophy of a lifetime.
Chandler Metcalf - Guide
Chandler was born and raised in Hardin Montana. He cut his teeth guiding elk and deer hunts in the remote backcountry of the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness. Chandler has been hunting since before he could remember and although he is young he has already spent more time in the mountains of Montana than most people will in a lifetime. You will find him splitting time between our elk and deer operations. The number one thing that we always hear about Chandler is how upbeat and positive he is. That attitude is contagious and everyone that hunts with him is all smiles at the end of the hunt. His upfront and honest personality has lead to long lasting friendships with his guests and he has maintained many of those relationships for years beyond the hunt.
Christian VonRuden - Guide
Christian is a versatile guide that helps out in a lot of different areas. He is great with stock and loves the backcountry. In addition to being a top notch predator hunter Christian has a knack for killing giant Mule Deer with his bow, he has taken record book bucks to prove it. Patience is a virtue and Christian is one of the most patient guides you will ever meet.
Conor Dywer - Guide
Conor grew up in Western Montana where he was a standout athlete. He got his teaching degree and taught at Frenchtown before deciding to pursue his passion of hunting and fishing full time. In the summer Conor is a full time fishing guide on his home waters of the Bitterroot, Blackfoot, and Clark Fork. In the fall he heads East to chase Elk, Deer, and Antelope. Conor is a blast to hang out with and you can rest assured he will put you in the best position possible to be successful.
Cale Updegrave - Guide
Cale is the youngest of the Updegrave brothers and the funniest if you ask him. He guides for Antelope in August, Deer and Elk from September thru October. He then switches gears and runs our waterfowl operation for the rest of the season. Cale is a talented photographer and a lot of our photos on the site come from him. He has a passion for waterfowl and along with Luke won some calling competitions when the were younger. Cale always has a smile on his face and is sure to keep you laughing all day long.
Dan Fultz - Guide
Dan is one of the most senior members at MBGO, when he’s not haggling with outdoor companies he’s usually spending time outdoors. Dan is yet another Pennsylvanian who moved out West in pursuit of better hunting/fishing opportunities. Dan a family man, world class duck caller, passionate upland hunter, and as you can see he knows a thing or two about Elk as well. Dan is mature beyond his years and can strike up a great conversation with anyone about anything. If you spend one day with Dan you’re sure to learn something new.